Toy manufacturers capitalize on the super hero and famous star phenomenon by producing boatloads of games, dolls, clocks, books and playing cards. This week, Arklu, a London-based toy company, launched their own British heroes.
Now on sale are two-foot royal couple miniature look-a-like dolls and the resemblance is fascinating designers across the globe.
The company’s exclusive dolls include two separate products; an individual Princess Catherine Doll, a box set containing the Princess Catherine Doll and the Prince William Doll as a couple, and a Princess Catherine Engagement Doll.
The Royal toys are selling like hotcakes after being put on display at Hamley’s Toy Store in London this week.
The box set of both Princess Catherine and Prince William and the individual dolls are being sold for about $80 to $160.
Arklu designers say the dolls “celebrate the very best of authentic British fashion and design."
British fashion and design leaders worked together to design, dress and accessorize the Arklu Royal dolls.
“The Princess Catherine Doll and Prince William Doll have been developed in line with official guidelines laid out by Clarence House," said company owners.
“Clarence House told our company that ‘we would not wish to object to the production of a doll,’"
Some might say that the Princess Catherine Doll and Prince William Doll are a touch eccentric, but such quirkiness is also a great British tradition.
"Like Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge herself, we are delighted to be able to combine British craftsmanship and cutting-edge modernity for a truly authentic British look for both of our new dolls," said Lucie Follett, of Arklu toy company.
“Both will appeal to collectors, and are sure to be a must-have Christmas gift for children aged 3 and older."
It was the focus on quintessential British style, and attention to detail, that brought so much attention to the dolls being put on sale this week.
The miniature version of Kate features minute details and replicas of her engagement ring, shoes, wedding dress, veil and tiara. Prince William's doll is dressed in a match of his Irish Guards uniform. Each accessory is an exact replica of those worn by the Royal couple.