
Comfy shoes are the shoo-in for DNC streets

Something’s happening outside the EpiCenter. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” just came outside to join the masses. And to my surprise, she’s not wearing high heels. But cute little flats.

I’m with ya, Mika. I’m footloose in a Croc flip-flop this week. On the sticky streets of Charlotte it comes down to comfort. And if it rains, I’ll be in a rubber sandal that floats all the way down to the Transit Center.

Which gets me studying the other sidewalk foot soldiers for the Democratic convention. Lots of flats and flops. Sneakers, Tevas, and Keens. I ask two gals in flats what they’re wearing:

“I wanted comfort AND style. Ferragamo.”

And her friend?

“Me too. Target.”

Touche. I’ve walked a mile in her shoes, I can tell you that.

Most went practical for a day of walking and gawking – an easy choice for most.

“I picked the ugliest shoes I could find in my closet because they’re the most comfortable,” asserts a visitor. “And if I get mugged in downtown Charlotte, no one will want to steal them.”

Can’t say the same of the girl in the J. Crew 3-inch heel.

“They’re last season,” she apologizes.

Honey, you don’t have to defend that shoe to me. These Crocs are so many seasons past, they’re vintage.

“I have flip-flops in my bag if my feet hurt. Then I change back into these if I see someone important.”

Speaking of changes, the crowd starts buzzing Wednesday morning. Obama’s speech is being moved from the stadium to the arena. I wait for the other shoe to drop. My community credential is suddenly void.

“Well, whatever shoes I was going to wear, they were going to get wet and ruined,” a woman sighs. “But I was willing to sacrifice my shoes for Obama.”

Bless her sweet sole.

But some care more about Joe. A girl at the MSNBC set wears a red wedge sandal to match her red Liverpool soccer jersey – Joe Scarborough’s favorite soccer team. She’s a shoo-in for a picture with him. Joe even gets a network photographer to take it.

And for her friend, it’s all about height. Donning a black wedge, she puts 3 extra inches on her 5-foot, 2-inch frame. But excusing herself as she pushes through the crowd, she hears the words, “No prob, short stuff.”

