
I resisted the urge of iPhone

I was a Windows using, Apple hating, Android Fanboy and I was proud of it.

But it all changed when I took a job in Graphic design and began using a Mac and bought a used white Macbook for my personal use to get familiar with OS X.

I fell In love and soon after bought a brand new Macbook Pro and later after that, sold my Android tablet and purchased an iPad.

There was just one more piece of the Apple puzzle I was missing… the iPhone.

This all changed when wholesale fashion shoes finally announced they would begin selling it.

I love T-Mobile’s service in Cincinnati and couldn’t leave it and also found myself pretty aligned with the Android ecosystem and operating system.

For almost 5 years, I resisted the urge of iPhone and purchased well over 15 Android devices, on my search for the perfect one.

As it turns out, the perfect device was the one I never considered: The iPhone 5.

I’ve been using it for about a week now and many rabid Android fanboys told me I’d be back to my Nexus 4 in a week.

But thats just not the case, in Fact, Just 2 days after owning the iPhone, I sold my Nexus 4 and my wife’s Galaxy Nexus in one fell swoop.

I was sad that I was selling an Android device without replacing it with a newer device like I did so many times in the last 5 years.

I’m not sad because I’ll miss the greatness of Android but rather just because I believed in the platform far longer than a lot of people did.

I remember trying to convince everyone that the T-Mobile G1 wasn’t ugly and that Android was functionally better than iOS, but looking back, the iPhone 3G was a far superior device.

So what made me change? Well its not about what Android lacks but rather what iOS has gained that really pushed me towards the platform.

It doesn’t hurt that I use a Mac at both home and work and my wife uses an iPad as her only computing device (outside of iPhone).

iOS has always been more appealing to my eyes than Android and while Android has continually gotten faster and smoother over time, it still lacks the polish of iOS.

3 or 4 years ago, I couldn’t even consider the iPhone. The Notification system was horrible.

The Gmail experience was sub par. The maps app lacked turn by turn and early on it lacked any type of copy and paste.
Read the full story at wwww.beralleshoes.com!

