
Veterans prepare to welcome Moving Wall to Westland

Beginning with on opening ceremony at 6 p.m. Thursday, the Vietnam Moving Wall will be on display around the clock for four days on the east lawn at Westland City Hall.

It's the second visit to Westland by the moving wall - the first came in 2006. The Westland Veterans Association is sponsoring the display.

“Probably 50,000 people came out that time (in 2006). What we found last time was that at times, there was a continual flow of people,” said Ken Mehl, Westland Veterans Association president. “It's just a unique thing. You'll be surprised at how many people come through at night - their time is a private thing.”

The Moving Wall is the half-size replica of the Washington, D.C., Vietnam Veterans Memorial and has been touring the country for more than 20 years. The names of those who gave their lives or who remain missing in action from the Vietnam War are inscribed in the order they died.

“I think the importance of the wall is the history of it. It allows people to see something that they wouldn't be able to see unless they go to Washington, D.C.,” said Mehl. “It gives families a place where children can see it. It's part of history. For me personally, I know a lot of people on the wall.”

Along with fund-raising efforts to pay for the visit, the Westland Veterans Association also has to make sure there are people on site 24 hours a day during the visit keeping on eye on the memorial, helping visitors find names and keeping the memorial clean. Following a recent volunteers meeting, Mehl said the response was good and most slots were filled.

About 25 wreaths from various veterans organizations are expected to be placed at the Moving Wall during the opening ceremony. Families of military personnel listed on the wall are invited to be seated in a special area at the opening ceremony and will be allowed to visit the wall before it opens to the public.

The official closing ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 24, although the Moving Wall will remain open until approximately 9 a.m. Monday, July 25.

In addition, the Michigan Moving Wall will be on display Thursday and Friday. The Michigan Wall lists all the Michigan men and women who were casualties in the Vietnam War. This is the first time the Michigan Wall will be displayed in Westland.

In addition to the wall, there will be military displays, a beer tent, food, games and live entertainment will be offered daily.

Visitors can help support U.S. troops overseas by making a donation of items such as heavy duty shower shoes, long and short sleeve cotton T-shirts, toiletries, writing materials, individual snack packets and books or a money to help cover shipping. There will be a special area set up for donations.

