
12 Futuristic Movie Gadgets We Need Right Now

Where are all those futuristic tech toys that were supposed to be gracing our lives by now?

Sure, we've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty; we've got whozits and whatzits galore. But we still need time-traveling DeLoreans, damn it, and shoes that lace themselves up without all that finger-draining effort.

To be fair, Nike did release thoseself-lacing sneakers fromBack to the Future. The only problem: They were missing the self-lacing capability. The shoes had the look and lights of Marty McFly's famous kicks, but they lacked the coolest feature of all.

Still, their presence was enough to get me thinking about all the awesome movie gadgets I'd like to have in my life. Some of them are pure fantasy; others could conceivably exist one day. All of them, though, have been the subject of countless geek dreams -- and all of them would be amazing to own.

So fasten your seatbelts, friends, and get ready to revisit some of the greatest movie gadgets of all time. Oh, and it probably goes without saying -- but where we're going, we don't need roads.

1. The Hover Board

Forget the shoes: TheBack to the Futuregadget wereallyneed is the high-flying transportation tool Marty McFly loved to ride. Not the DeLorean, mind you (though I'll take one of those, too), but rather, the hoverboard.

The hoverboard was the futuristic version of the skateboard Marty discovered while visiting the year 2015 in the second film of the series. Its defining characteristic -- duh -- was that it hovered without the need for wheels.

For a while, folks thought the hoverboard actually was real.Back to the Futuredirector Robert Zemeckis fueled the rumors, publicly claiming that the floating wonder had been around for years and was withheld only due to safety concerns from parental groups.

Unfortunately, ol' Bobby Bob was just joking, and the hoverboard is not yet here. An artist named Nils Guadagninmade a replica of onelast year, but alas, it was not able to support a human rider.

Let us not release this dream. One day, the hoverboard will hover into our lives -- and when it does, just remember: You can't ride it over water.

2. The Invisibility Cloak

We may be a bunch of muggles -- well,someof us may be, anyway -- but that doesn't mean we aren't entitled to certain magical pleasures. And yes, I'm talking about real magic here, not the heavily air-quoted kind that Apple sells.

One of the coolest creations to come out of the Harry Potter series is undoubtedly the invisibility cloak. First seen inHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the cloak lets Harry creep through any room without being seen. Just imagine the things you could do with that device (and keep your mind out of the gutter, pal).

Researchers have beentalking about a real-world versionof the cloakfor years now. From the looks of it, though, they may need to learn the Accio spell: Thus far, the cloak has yet to actually apparate into our lives.

3. The Neuralyzer

Also known as the "flashy-thing" (and sometimes the "flashy-thing memory-messer-upper"), the Neuralyzer helped maintain a sense of calm in 1997'sMen in Blackand its 2002 sequel. Agent K and Agent J -- aka Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith -- used the device to wipe the memories of anyone who encountered an alien or had a run-in with the top-secret M.I.B. team. Only a special pair of protective sunglasses could keep you from getting flashy-thinged into blissful oblivion.

I'm not saying there'd necessarily be an ethical way to use this, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few moments in my life when I wish I had one. Speaking of which, put on your glasses...

4. The Point of View Gun

If you can't flashy-thing someone's memory away, why not at least make them see things from your point of view? The Point of View Gun, introduced in the 2005 film version ofThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, accomplishes just that: You fire the gun at someone, and suddenly, he understands exactly where you're coming from.

Before you get too excited, though, take note: The gun won't work on just anyone. According to the movie, it was created by the "Intergalactic Consortium of Angry Housewives," whose members were fed up with their husbands' lack of empathy. As such, the weapon works only on men.

On second thought, maybe weshouldn'tbring this thing into the world.

5. The Bond Watch

Oh, come on: We couldn't possibly make a list of must-have movie gadgets without including a couple of 007 classics. And if there's one quintessential Bond item, it's gotta be the magnetic Rolex watch.

Bond's watch has done a lot of impressive things over the years. It's sawed through ties, disarmed mines, set off bombs, and even unzipped ladies' dresses.

Hey, it's Bond -- give the guy a break.

