
Big shoes to fill

Last week after hearing about the death of another great Hartselle citizen, Dr. Bob Sittason, someone posted the song title “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?” on Facebook.

If you are not a country music fan you may have not heard this song, performed by George Jones. Even though the lyrics basically are referring to country music legends, the final verse has these words: “Who’s gonna give their heart and soul to get to me and you?”

If you have lived in Hartselle or Morgan County for any length of time and knew of Dr. Bob, he was a man who was willing to give back to his family, his church, his friends, his community and anyone that he could help.

During the funeral service, Judge Glen Thompson used the word “encourager” to describe Dr. Bob. Encourage can be defined as causing incitement to action or to practice.

Many spoke of his encouragement to work harder. Others mentioned being encouraged to be a better example. Also mentioned was to give back to the community that had given to you.

Dr. Bob kept himself available and looked for ways to encourage and to offer his help to those in need.

It was also mentioned that he did not look for credit or accolades with his support, or with the time he willingly sacrificed and gave to help others. Words have been written to the effect of how much would a person be willing to do for others if no one knew what they had done?

That question might seem simple, but the words have a deep meaning. I think they would, however, fit Dr. Bob. The act of helping someone or making life better is in itself well worth the cost.

During the funeral service tears through laughter were experienced by those in attendance. Funny stories were shared, thanks was given for the good times shared, as well as how much he would be missed. However the example that was set by the life lived by Dr. Bob is one that will be carried forward. He did set the bar high and for those left behind we have the obligation to continue the example and give our all to make the place we call home even better.

We can all heed the call to put other’s needs ahead of our own, give without looking for personal returns and leave our part of the world a better place. Hartselle is and will continue to be a better place because of Dr. Bob Sittason.

